Ghost Cars?

Drivers kill other drivers (though we don’t kill as many fellow drivers as we do walkers and bikers)

While driving around London we notice the many roadside memorials marking places where people on bikes (Ghost bikes) and pedestrians (Remember Me memorials) have died. While this may help the family to mark and  to remember their loss, these roadside memorials also serve campaigners for cycling and walking since they point out the consequence of our behavior as drivers. While it is true that motorists are responsible for the majority of the killing and injuring (seems that despite the menace pavement cyclists pose they don’t kill many people), we are underrepresented when it comes to marking the road death of a brother or sister driver.

While I’m sure Roadpeace would be happy for us to mark places where drivers have died with Remember Me plaques, we ought to show the same respect and solidarity as the cycling community and mark the locations where fellow drivers died with Ghost Cars just to remind people that we drivers can also be victims and die in ‘accidents’


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